As we enter the holiday season, we are undoubtedly going to be receiving invitations for gatherings, parties, and other holiday events where our presence is requested. The most important thing to remember during this time is that it is perfectly acceptable to say “NO” to some of these invitations. If you can accept the fact that you do not have to attend every event you are invited to in order to enjoy the holidays, you will likely be able to relax and enjoy them in a peaceful and pleasurable way.

Letting go of the fear of disappointing others during the holidays may be one of the hardest things for some of us to do. But once you accept that you are not a superhero who can be everywhere they are expected, you will be able to begin enjoying the holidays without feeling overwhelmed. It is perfectly acceptable to say no to invitations and requests made by others. “NO” is a complete sentence and a perfectly acceptable one at that. Once you get over the fear of letting someone down by refusing their invitation, you will begin to take control of your holiday experiences.

The most common reason why so many of us begin to feel overwhelmed during the holiday season is because we have a preconceived idea as to how we should act and perform during this time of year. To help alleviate this feeling of losing control, you simply need to decide on which events and traditions are truly important to you and focus on those. Once you let go of everything that is more of an obligation than personal choice, you will begin to enjoy yourself without feeling guilty.

Before you commit to any event, you should always think about whether or not it is something that you truly wish to attend. You should avoid making any snap decisions and allow yourself time to think about whether you really want to accept this invitation. Keep in mind, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with turning down an invitation. Simply because someone has invited you to a party or dinner does not mean that you are obligated to attend. You should never feel guilty about saying “NO”.